04-10-2020, 08:09 PM
When you look at the data sheets for those modulators they are not the easiest of things to fully understand. The data for programming them is split awkwardly between different bytes. When I looked at Frank's VHDL I dimly remember suggesting that it would be easier to let the VHDL tools do more of the work, instead of laboriously assembling all the data by hand. Here's an example from the original Hedghog:
I'd go crazy if I had to do that for multiple channels and different standards. Far too easy to make mistakes. Express things in a way that humans can understand and let the tools do the work.
constant CH4_CF_DATA : ic2_data_array := ("0001111011100011", "1011000110000000", "0001110100100011", "1011000010000000"); -- modulators channel 4
I'd go crazy if I had to do that for multiple channels and different standards. Far too easy to make mistakes. Express things in a way that humans can understand and let the tools do the work.
www.borinsky.co.uk Jeffrey Borinsky www.becg.tv