08-06-2016, 03:15 PM
When working at the Vintage Wireless Museum we need to check RF signal levels. Terry Casey has kindly given us a suitable measurement set that covers VHF and UHF. To measure a signal properly there must be a signficant amount of 100% carrier. In System I this is no problem as the sync tips are at 100%. For System A with +ve modulation it needs a significant amount of peak white in the video. Test card C or D is marginal so I've usually brought along a test pattern generator and set it to peak white full field. It would be useful to have this capability built into the converter rack so I've thought about different options.
I've got some ZNA134, ZNA234, SAA1043 and SAA1101 SPG chips. Any of these could do the job, simply connecting mixed sync and mixed blanking outputs via suitable resistors. Maybe a small cap to slow the rise times a bit. Today I realised I've already got suitable hardware. There's a CPLD (programmable logic device) in the control panel which I programmed to interface the buttons to the audio/video router. There's plenty of spare space in the device so I borrowed some VHDL from another project (my experimental 625 to 405 converter) and repurposed it as a simple mixed sync and mixed blanking generator.
Here's the first pass of the VHDL. Less than 100 lines including comments and blank lines. Totally untested but it synthesises OK and fits easily in the device. I'll try it out on a spare CPLD evaluation kit. I've calculated the 3 resistors needed but it will need a bit of AOT to get the levels absolutely correct.
I've got some ZNA134, ZNA234, SAA1043 and SAA1101 SPG chips. Any of these could do the job, simply connecting mixed sync and mixed blanking outputs via suitable resistors. Maybe a small cap to slow the rise times a bit. Today I realised I've already got suitable hardware. There's a CPLD (programmable logic device) in the control panel which I programmed to interface the buttons to the audio/video router. There's plenty of spare space in the device so I borrowed some VHDL from another project (my experimental 625 to 405 converter) and repurposed it as a simple mixed sync and mixed blanking generator.
Here's the first pass of the VHDL. Less than 100 lines including comments and blank lines. Totally untested but it synthesises OK and fits easily in the device. I'll try it out on a spare CPLD evaluation kit. I've calculated the 3 resistors needed but it will need a bit of AOT to get the levels absolutely correct.
-------------------------------- Peak White generator ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Make MB and MS to be added via reistor network to make peak white
-- To give Thevenin equivalent of 2V, 75R: MB: 272R; MS: 635R; 0V: 124R
-- 25MHz has 1600 clocks per line, 800 per half line
-- Active line 52us = 1300ck; H blank 12us = 300ck; H sync 4.7us = 117ck; Front porch 1.6us = 40ck; Broad pulse 27.3us = 683ck
process (CK) begin
if rising_edge(CK) then
-- Central H counter 0-799
HRESET <= HCOUNT = 798; -- Pipeline
if HRESET then HCOUNT <= 0;
else HCOUNT <= HCOUNT + 1;
end if;
-- Half line toggle
if HRESET then HALF_LINE <= not HALF_LINE; end if;
-- Mixed sync. Line sync is in 1st half line
MS_START <= (not EQ_EN and (HCOUNT = H_OFFSET) and not HALF_LINE) -- Line sync on whole lines only
or (EQ_EN and (HCOUNT = H_OFFSET)) -- EQ half lines in field interval
or (BP_EN and (HCOUNT = H_OFFSET)); -- BP on half lines in field interval
MS_END <= (not EQ_EN and (HCOUNT = H_OFFSET + 254)) -- Sync pulses (4.7us)
or (EQ_EN and not BP_EN and (HCOUNT = H_OFFSET + 127)) -- EQ pulses (2.35us)
or ( BP_EN and (HCOUNT = H_OFFSET + 1474)); -- Broad pulses (27.3us)
if MS_START then MIXED_SYNC <= true; -- JK flipflop
elsif MS_END then MIXED_SYNC <= false;
end if;
-- H blanking (not quite full blanking as it doesn't encompass both sets of TRS)
HBLANK_END <= HCOUNT = conv_std_logic_vector(566, 12); -- ***** 567 i Misaligned by 1 clock but still works
if HRESET then HBLANK <= true; -- JK flipflop
elsif HBLANK_END then HBLANK <= false;
end if;
-- Mixed blanking
-- Central V counter
if HRESET then -- Count half lines
if VRESET then VCOUNT <= 0;
else VCOUNT <= VCOUNT + 1 mod 1024;
end if;
-- Odd/even field toggle
if VRESET then HALF_FRAME <= not HALF_FRAME; end if; -- Toggle every field
-- Equalising pulses. 15 half lines
if EQ_EN_START then EQ_EN <= true; -- JK flipflop
elsif EQ_EN_END then EQ_EN <= false;
else EQ_EN <= EQ_EN;
end if;
-- Broad pulses. 5 half lines
if BP_EN_START then BP_EN <= true; -- JK flipflop
elsif BP_EN_END then BP_EN <= false;
else BP_EN <= BP_EN;
end if;
-- Vertical blanking
VBLANK_START <= VCOUNT = V_OFFSET + 3; -- First blanked: 623.5/311
VBLANK_END <= VCOUNT = V_OFFSET + 53; -- First active: 23.5/336
if VBLANK_START then VBLANK <= true; -- JK flipflop
elsif VBLANK_END then VBLANK <= false;
end if;
end if; -- HRESET
end if; -- CK
end process;
www.borinsky.co.uk Jeffrey Borinsky www.becg.tv