09-02-2016, 08:05 AM
Just remembered that I didn't fit LED series resistors when I wired the panel. With 3.3V across the LEDs from the PLD outputs it will probably work but the PLD will be working hard and the LEDs will be rather bright, possibly enough to shorten their lives. I'll fit the resistors today, 1 for each row in the common cathode connection. Since the PLD module uses 191R (why the odd E96 value? Did they have a few 1000 surplus?) in series with directly driven LEDs I'll use 47R for 4:1 multiplexed LEDs.
The first attempt at the VHDL compiles OK. I've made no attempt to be economic with device resorurces as the PLD has vastly more than I will ever need. So I've gone for simple code that's easily understood. The FOR loops are not like loops in BASIC or other procedural language. What they do is save me typing out N of lines of VHDL when describing a M to N decoder. In this case a 4 bit binary to 10 or 16 wire decoder.
The VHDL file is renamed as a TXT file to allow it to be attached
The first attempt at the VHDL compiles OK. I've made no attempt to be economic with device resorurces as the PLD has vastly more than I will ever need. So I've gone for simple code that's easily understood. The FOR loops are not like loops in BASIC or other procedural language. What they do is save me typing out N of lines of VHDL when describing a M to N decoder. In this case a 4 bit binary to 10 or 16 wire decoder.
The VHDL file is renamed as a TXT file to allow it to be attached
www.borinsky.co.uk Jeffrey Borinsky www.becg.tv